Microsoft Word Em Dash En Mac

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  2. Microsoft Word Em Dash En Mac Youtube
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Microsoft Word Em Dash En Mac Free

Use Microsoft Word for the best word processing and document creation. Find out how document collaboration and editing tools can help polish your Word docs. Microsoft Word with an Office 365 subscription is the latest version of Word. Previous versions include Word 2016, Word 2013, Word 2010, Word 2007, and Word 2003. Mar 26, 2020 With a Mac, use the following shortcuts: Em dash (—): Shift-+ Alt/Option +-hyphen or Command + M. En dash (–): Alt/Option + hyphen.


Usean em dash (—) to set off a parenthetical phrase with moreemphasis than parentheses provide. Don’t add spaces around an emdash.

  • Use one em dash on each side of a phrase embedded in a sentence.
    The information in your spreadsheet—numbers, formulas, and text—is stored in cells.

  • Use one em dash to set off a phrase at the end of a sentence.
    If you're not sure about the details, look at the illustrations in the wizard—they can help you figure out what type of connection you’re using.

Don’t use an em dash:

  • In place of a bullet character in a list.

  • To indicate an empty cell in a table.

Microsoft Word Em Dash En Mac Youtube

Microsoft Word Em Dash En Mac

Dash Coin

Don’t capitalize the first word after an em dash unless the word is a proper noun.